Home Design Innovation Centre

Program Details


The 4-year BS program through the Design Your Own Degree (DYOD) mode, starting April 27, 2024, is coordinated by the Design Innovation Centre (DIC@IUST). This innovative program allows students to customize their academic journeys, blending arts, sciences, and commerce for a multidisciplinary education that breaks traditional boundaries. It employs project-based, collaborative problem-solving pedagogy, promoting active learning, critical thinking, analytical skills, and practical application through internships and fieldwork. The program emphasizes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning, enhancing essential future workplace skills like digital literacy and leadership. Technology integration, flexible evaluation mechanisms, and adaptable duration and exit options align the program with the National Education Policy 2020. The academic scheme involves a foundational first year, increasing flexibility in the second year, and specialization in the major discipline from the third year onward, with continuous project work. Students major in disciplines such as English, Islamic Studies, Mathematical Sciences, Media Studies, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Economics. Evaluation combines continuous internal assessments and innovative end-semester evaluations, including open book exams and problem-solving projects. The program also offers early exit options for a BS in three years, a diploma in two years, or a certificate in one year, providing a comprehensive, flexible education tailored to individual student needs and career aspirations.
Minimum Duration
8 Semesters
Intake (Zero mean not defined or vacancy based)
Having passed 10+2 with a minimum of 50% marks from the J&K Board of School Education or from any other recognized board.
Selection Procedure
Based on CUET UG 2024 GENERAL TEST Score
Carrer Prospectus

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