Home Department of English Language and Literature

Program Details

Master of Arts in English Language & Literature

The program offers subjects ranging from Contemporary British Literature to Indian Writing in English, from World Literature to Contemporary Critical Approaches with a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry from the 19th and 20th centuries. Deeper understanding of canonical and innovative approaches to English literature is apportioned through 16 courses covering significant literary texts and movements from the age of Chaucer in the 14th century to the present. Special emphasis on current debates in Literary Theory, lesser-known but significant literatures and courses in Linguistics give students an insight into the structure and the function of natural languages as a system of cognition and communication. With the introduction of the Choice Based Credit System the student are encouraged to select courses from literature and also other disciplines.
Minimum Duration
4 Semesters
Intake (Zero mean not defined or vacancy based)
Graduates from any recognized institution with English Literature as one of the subjects.
Selection Procedure
Carrer Prospectus
English graduates can work in diverse areas with potential career paths including teaching, journalism, publishing, editing, media, language training etc. The program provides excellent preparation for students intending to proceed for PhD work and will also be of interest to teachers and other graduates in literary fields seeking further personal or professional studies.

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