Home Department of Mathematical Sciences


Welcome to the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The study of mathematical sciences opens many doors for students. In today’s competitive job market employers are looking for candidates who can think creatively, logically and independently. Mathematical study gives you all of those skills, but it also offers an opportunity to better understand the world around us. Mathematical ideas help us in finding answers to some complex questions confronting humankind.

The Department strives to maintain an academically vibrant environment that encourages critical thinking and creative problem solving. Our curriculum is designed to provide you the mathematical tools necessary to facilitate the application of classroom knowledge in many fields. At the same time various Departmental activities are meant to ensure that teaching and learning is enjoyable and exciting.

Everyone can study mathematical sciences if there is a desire to work hard and dig deep into the ideas that characterise this discipline. By choosing to study it you have taken the first step of an exciting and rewarding journey into a beautiful realm of ideas that opens the doors to fulfilling career paths and a better understanding of our own world.

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